PHOENIX • 1KF241NP53240 Air suspension bellows

Delivery time
(working days) 1-4
163.00 €
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Technical information
Title 1KF241NP53240
Reference numbers
The original numbers that correspond to the spare part in question PHOENIX 1KF241NP53240
Suitable for cars
Suitable for these car models PHOENIX 1KF241NP53240


Air suspension bellows PHOENIX 1KF241NP53240

1KF241NP53240 Phoenix air suspension bellows are top quality and durable parts that are perfect for a variety of vehicles. The part number for these parts is 1KF241NP53240 and they are manufactured by the Phoenix brand. Air suspension bellows are designed to provide better driving comfort and reduce shock absorption stress. In addition, they also provide better control and stability to your vehicle. Phoenix air suspension bellows are made of durable materials that withstand even demanding conditions. They are very easy to install and are perfect for the suspension of various vehicles. Whether it's a motorhome, truck or van, these air suspension bellows ensure a smooth and smooth driving experience. Safety is our primary goal, and that's why these Phoenix air suspension bellows are specially designed to provide excellent shock absorption and stability when riding. You can trust that your vehicle will rise and fall smoothly and adapt to the unevenness of the road. This improves not only driving comfort but also vehicle performance. By purchasing Phoenix air suspension bellows, you get reliable and durable parts that improve your driving experience and vehicle performance. They are the perfect choice for anyone who values ​​safety, quality performance and durability. Take the opportunity and upgrade your vehicle's suspension with these high quality Phoenix air suspension beams.
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Delivery time
(working days) 1-4
Delivery time
(working days)
236.35 €
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sold as a package - the required quantity for the axle is 1pc


sold by pieces - the required quantity for the axle is 2pc
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